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The partnership assembly of the Crati River Contract was held in the main hall of the University of Calabria (Unical) and, at the present time, it has 78 members, both public and private.

The work carried out so far has led to the publication of the volume "The Crati River Contract. Information document for the management of the river resource" (Falco Editore), which bears the patronage of the Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Agency for Territorial Cohesion, ANBI, UPI (Italian Provinces Union) and Presidency of the Regional Council of Calabria.

Giulio Nicola Nardo, professor of the Department of Legal and Business Sciences of the University of Calabria, moderated the meeting's work and provided all useful support to illustrate the best legal form to be given to the Crati model, a public-private partnership, which should develop in the form of a consortium. The coordinator of the Crati River Contract, Paola Rizzuto, presented the framework of the opportunities and the Crati model, as an operational proposal for the structuring of the Action Plan, while Giuseppe Mendicino, ordinary plumber at the Department of Environmental Engineering of Unical, developed the environmental cognitive framework.

Skype is connected by Riccardo Santolini, ecologist at the University of Urbino, and Basilio Lorè, technician at C.R.E.S.Me. (Sociological and Market Economic Research Centre), illustrated the cognitive framework for access to funding; all the representatives of the signatories of the Crati River Contract were present in the hall. Erasmus D'Angelis, secretary general of the Hydrographic District Authority of Central Italy, has highlighted by telephone the work done by the Crati River Contract, a model of good practice, which starts from the South, unique in Italy. The assembly confirmed Paola Rizzuto as coordinator for the continuation of the activities outlined, identifying also a commission composed of representatives of the partnership to support it in the drafting of the draft statute of the consortium company, in which the proposed model will have to be developed. 

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